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Religious Trauma
Waking Up:  Support Groups for Religious Trauma

Image by Daan Stevens
Image by T Foz
Image by Annie Spratt

Religious Trauma is stored in the body, as well as the mind.

Through our two-group format come learn, explore, grow and heal your religious trauma. Our two-groups offer two different formats, one being online, and another in-person in order to assist those coming in with diverse needs. 


Each group consists of 70 minutes together, where we are either mapping out how religious trauma tends to occur for individuals or using an IFS framework to build on the skills we gained in the first group. 


Often in the process of working with religious trauma, one can feel lost, overwhelmed, and unsure. There can be so much to the process of working with religious trauma, and doing it just in one-on-one therapy doesn't hit all the layers we might need. 


This group provides space to unpack the layers of religious trauma as well as offers an organizing framework built within the community to offer change. 

  • Nov 4th-Dec 2nd 

  • 6:30-7:45pm online

  • $45

  • Final Date To Reg: Oct 25th

Compass on map

Religious Trauma: Getting Started

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Religious Trauma through an IFS lens


Building on the themes discussed in Religious Trauma: Getting Started this group meets in-person to continue the embodied process of healing religious trauma. 


Each week contains exercises and processing using a part's framework, in order to help those coming from traumalizing experiences develop more embodiment skills 

  • Feb 24th-April 7th

  • Monday at 6:30pm-7:40pm

  • Last Day to Sign Up: Jan 20th

  • $50 a session

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